Happy New Year, Fenton Village Business Owners!
For some of you, this is an introduction to Fenton Village Inc. - the non-profit dedicated to the preservation and protection of Fenton Village. Our community is a diverse, eclectic neighborhood nestled between Georgia Avenue and Fenton Street (bordered by Wayne Avenue and Selim Road). Fenton Village is home to 200+ independent businesses.
Fenton Village Inc. will have three focus areas for 2024:
1. Enhancing safety measures for businesses.
2. Increasing communication with business owners.
3. Inviting consumers to Fenton Village.
There will be more to come about each of our focus areas in monthly meetings for business owners and on the Fenton Village website/social media.
IG and X: @fentonvillage
Facebook: Fenton Village
The first meeting will be January 18th (4:00 PM) at Kefa Cafe (963 Bonifant Street) and on Zoom (link here). Following the first meeting, subsequent meetings will be the second Tuesday of each month at 4:00 PM. Please see our website and social media for locations and Zoom link.
Please register on our website! https://bit.ly/FVBusinessRegistration
I look forward to meeting all of you as we work together to make Fenton Village a top destination in Montgomery County!
- Susan L. Peterkin
Fenton Village Inc.