Three activities will start as a result of discussion and comments during the 1/18 meeting:
1. Nighttime surveys to determine locations for additional lighting and cameras.
2. Partnering with Silver Spring Urban District, Montgomery County, and non-profits to increase wraparound for homeless citizens.
3. Development of logo and initial marketing plan for Discover Fenton Village event (May 25th 11am-5pm)
A big thank you to everyone who attended the first monthly Fenton Village business owner meeting on 1/18 at Kefa Cafe! We're excited to collaborate with you and continue to grow the Fenton Village neighborhood.
Access to pending registrations for the business portal have been approved. Don't forget to regularly check the portal for updates on the next meeting, community events, and the ability to contact organizing members through the feedback button.
The next business owner meeting will be on February 13th at Palisades Lounge. Meting time and a digital viewing link will be shared closer to meeting date.
Lastly, don't forget to share social media content and upcoming specials to be considered for reposting on Fenton Village social medias via the business owner portal or by sending us the content and short detail in DM.
Thank you again for being part of the community. We look forward to working together to show the world everything Fenton Village has the offer!