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Purple Line Grant for Bonifant St. Businesses

Fenton Village

Updated: Nov 7, 2024

Hello everyone! We’re excited to remind you about the Purple Line stabilization grant from Montgomery County for qualified businesses along Bonifant Street! The grant will be based on the monthly lease rate with a maximum of $1,800 per month for July 2024 - June 2025 for executed commercial leases dated prior to March 15, 2024.

Read below for full grant details, qualifications, requirements, and how to apply:

  1. We encourage all businesses to reply and provide the required documentation by June 25, so we can begin payments in July. We’ve copied the required documentation for your reference.

  2.  Have an executed lease dated prior to March 15, 2024, for commercial space along on Bonifant St., Silver Spring, MD.

  3.  Be in good standing with the State Department of Assessment and Taxation  (SDAT) (Please check your business at

  4. Provide proof business is in operation (e.g., utility bill) and remain in operation at a commercial space along Bonifant St. before and during the grant.

  5. Must provide original lease in addition to any lease documents currently in effect.

  6. Register in the County’s Central Vendor Registration System (CVRS) and add you ACH if not done so yet. You can register at

  1. If you are not in Good Standing with the SDAT, it is critical that you rectify this as soon as possible. The County cannot begin awarding this grant without all the required documentation, including your standing with SDAT. Please contact us at, and we will follow up to assist.

  1. Your standing with SDAT will be monitored on a quarterly basis. Please continue to remain in Good Standing. Any businesses that are found to be Not in Good Standing will be notified and the County’s payments will cease until the standing is rectified.

  1. Business must submit a proof of occupancy on a quarterly basis to continue to receive this grant through the fiscal year. Any business that does not provide a proof of occupancy will be notified and the County’s payments will cease until the document is provided. Below are helpful dates to reference for these quarterly documents.

  2. For July 2024 – September 2024: please provide proof of occupancy as soon as possible along with all required documentation, if you haven’t already submitted them.

  3. For October 2024 – December 2024: please provide a proof of occupancy for the previous month by September 15, 2024.

  4. For January 2025 – March 2025: please provide a proof of occupancy for the previous month by December 15, 2024.

  5. For April 2025 – June 2025: please provide a proof of occupancy for the previous month by March 15, 2025.

  1. The County will only provide grants through ACH to prevent lost and stolen checks. Please register with the County CVRS at and provide the necessary documentation for ACH through this system.

  1. The County will make payments early in the month, usually by the 10th of the month. Please contact me at if you have not received a deposit by the 15th of the month. Recall that payments will be based on your lease rate, up to $1,800 a month for businesses that submit the required documentation and comply with the requirements throughout the grant period.

Thank you, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Derese via the email above.



    1)    Have an executed lease dated prior to March 15, 2024, for commercial space along on Bonifant St., Silver Spring, MD.

    2)    Be in good standing with the State Department of Assessment and Taxation (Please check your business at

    3)    Provide proof business is in operation (e.g., utility bill) and remain in operation at a commercial space along Bonifant St. before and 

during the grant.

    4)   Must provide original lease in addition to any lease documents currently in effect.

    5)   Register in the County’s Central Vendor Registration System if not done so yet. You can register at

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